Monday, October 14, 2013

Porch renovation and Monday link party

I tried to get on the computer for 5 minutes to write this post and I can hear crying upstairs and my 13 year old comes downstairs to tell me that Soleil got into the vaseline and covered herself in it. This is my life lately I could rant forever but I still have 2 posts about Paris 2 months late. kind of frustrating. So I have to run... On the side, we had a great week. Enjoying Fall and the beautiful weather here. Serving at church and helping my friends. How was your week? Any fun?

I have been enjoying Butterfly and bungalow renovation progress. She is doing an amazing job and she is amazing! 

Thank you so much for linking last week. This party will be up for 1 month. With Features on Facebook and pinterest.
Please link back to Le chateau des fleurs
Grab my button:

If you need a button with HTML Here:

Happy linking!! XO


Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for hosting Isabelle! Have a great week.

Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow said...

Thank you, sweetie!

That age is so cute and trying. It really will be funny someday. You must know, because you have more than one. But oh that is going to be hard to get off of her!

I remember when my daughter was that young she got into sparkling powder. I gasped when I saw her and the large bathroom. I cleaned her up, and went out to the rest of the house and realized it had been sucked up into the AC. There was a layer of pink, sparkle dust all over the house, as if I had not dusted for a month! When we moved many years later, we found it behind furniture.

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